We are so grateful for the help and support that Maddie's Fund has given us. Without their continued help, we would not be able to save as many lives as we have. The funds from their annual sizable donation continue to allow us to rescue special needs cats (kittens, adults AND seniors) from Animal Care and Control (ACC) of NYC. These cats would normally have been euthanized at the ACC. Over the past two years we completed hundreds of adoptions with the help of Maddie's Fund, and the numbers for 2018 are poised to be even better. Click on the links below to see our statistics for 2016/2017.
Here are two of our Maddie's Fund success stories:

LINUS, 18-year-old declawed male
When we pulled Linus from the ACC, he was angry, defensive, slow to come around, and had some serious kidney issues. With the grant from Maddie's Fund we were able to treat Linus' condition and he slowly blossomed. We are happy to say that Linus was adopted to a loving home in January 2016.
MAGGIE, young cat with severe eye condition
When Maggie was found, her right eye was in such bad shape and needed immediate treatment. With help from Maddie's Fund, we were able to operate on her eye and Maggie is now living a perfect life with 2 older brothers.
Find out more about Maddie's Fund at www.maddiesfund.org!